Friday, November 24, 2017

When Your Not Talking

Are you someone that was looking for a way to make money and made the decision to try a business ideal that may or may not of had a business system to leverage your time? You know when they tell you to tell people, people that you may or may not know and you'll make "money while you sleep".

Do this to "get traffic" , become this to "be successful", attend this and you'll "have a breakthrough".

Soooo much information and you're thinking... "should I do this or that"

Maybe just if I just "buy this", things will change. Only those who been through that "stuff" can relate. If you made it that far or further, congratulations. You're probably, or maybe you aren't reaching all sorts of milestones... Goals you've set, accomplished, crushed!!!

Maybe You're Not Talking.

Maybe "Somethings" are holding you back. milestones not met. Plans keep falling through...Goals you've set, are not being accomplished. There are no milestones. There are few celebrations and you're rolling over and over... "a tumble weed" when it comes to that making money without a job ideal.

Hey I'm "just a guy" that enjoys the internet and all the possibilities for anyone and everyone. I've experimented with various systems and got bored or got the "something's. For what I was looking to do, I'd always paid attention to something that kept me amused or held my attention for more than five minutes.

One company and guy that did keep me around was a company called LeadsLeap. Joined them back in      and have paid attention to what they did and offered, logging into my account here and there throughout the years.

I wouldn't say my effort was fair in what I can call a review of a company and it's offerings but for the effort put out, accomplishments were made, time and effort well served.

The effort was due too "When You're Not Talking" or "the somethings" that may or may not have took you away from your goal....crushing it!!

You will or won't go over to LeadsLeap, I'll be there... Here's my internet possibility LeadsLeap.

You can repeat my effort and with your attention, your goal set, your accomplishments defined, and come back here to give your opinion by commenting for others to see.

'Just a Guy'

Tony Williams

"Just A Guy"

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